Coaching Forms & Guidelines

Welcome and thank you for choosing coaching with Just Collaboration! We’re excited to support and collaborate with you in your coaching journey to achieve your goals. To get started, we’ve provided some guidelines for coaching, an intake form, and questions to prepare you for our first meeting. Please complete the forms at the bottom of the page.

If you have not done so, you can schedule with your coach, Mary C. Parker here:

After your first session, please visit the coach appointment prep page and complete the form before your next session.

Coaching Guidelines

Hours for coaching – For our sessions, we will meet weekly.  My coaching hours start at 11:00 am EST and end at 8:00 pm EST, Monday-Friday; weekend sessions are scheduled on an as-needed basis. Sessions are 45-50 minutes long with the exception of a 60-90-minute intro strategy session. Coaching appointments can be requested electronically here by selecting available blocks of time:

I make brief summary notes of coaching sessions. I am very willing to share these notes and encourage clients to use them in whatever way is helpful. Some clients review them and add their own notes which they share with me. 

I consider email check-ins between sessions as part of the coaching agreement. Therefore a reasonable amount of email for accountability, support, and completing homework is included in the coaching fee. I try to respond within 2 working days. 

Session options – Coaching is offered virtually via platforms like Google Meet or Zoom or telephone depending upon the needs and desires of the clients. If in-person sessions can be held at locations in Seattle, WA usually at libraries where I can reserve a private space for us. I do NOT coach people while they are driving. 

Attendance at sessions – To avoid losing any time in a session, it is important to be prompt. The client is responsible for initiating the call or visit. If you are unable to attend the session, I appreciate knowing at least 24 hours in advance. If you do not attend a scheduled session and have made no previous arrangements, you will be asked to pay for the session. 

If at any time during a phone or virtual session, service is interrupted, I will restart the room and wait for the client to call me on the phone at 404-992-9965 if connectivity continues to be an issue. This agreement helps avoid mutual busy signals. 

Confidentiality – You are encouraged to share what you are learning about yourself in coaching with other support people in your life. However, as the coach, I am held to confidentiality which means that I will not discuss your coaching with others or tell others that you are my client. If you ever feel like your confidentiality has been breached, please bring it to my attention. 

However, I need to let you know that it is part of common practice and professional development to share case examples with a peer supervisor. 

Payment – Clients are invoiced at a rate decided by Just Collaboration based on market rates. Services can be paid by an individual or an employer. Group coaching is also available, please inquire at

If you have any questions or concerns or need a modification for any policy item, please discuss it with Mary C. Parker. 

Information about the Code of Ethics for coaches can be found at

Please complete the Coaching forms below